Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord. – Psalm 150:6

At CTK Bellingham, we believe that singing is a significant way of worshipping and expressing our love for Jesus! There are so many different ways that we can lift our voices in worship to God – if you want to learn more about what it means to worship, check out our message series, Join the Mighty Chorus.

Watch the Series

Interested in Serving?

We believe God has strategically placed gifted musicians at CTK who have a heart for worshipping Jesus and a desire to be a part of a creative community – maybe you're one of them! 


Being part of this community is more than playing music on the weekends; we want to support each other and share life together. We'd love to meet with you, hear your story and answer any questions you have about serving on the team! 

Connect With Us

Once we have the chance to get to know you, we'd love to hear you sing or play in a casual environment. Check out our “Songs We’re Singing Playlist” for some song ideas!


Finally, We'd love to play through a few songs and worship together on the platform! Our goal is to see whether this is the right fit for you, the ministry, and the church. We're not here to judge whether you're good enough or whether we like you. Our desire is to build the church, so Jesus will be our focal point during this time.

What We're Singing

Current Worship –
Songs We're Singing

In this playlist, you'll find the songs we are currently singing in our weekend gatherings at CTK Bellingham. 

Worship Throwback –
Songs We've Sung

This playlist is a more comprehensive list of songs we've sang over the last few years in a weekend service.

Ekklesia Worship – 
Original Music

Check out some of the worship from our friends at Ekklesia, our Young Adult Ministry.